Wednesday, February 3, 2010

WYATT!!!! What are you doing!

This a prime example of what my Wyatt comes up with doing during the day! He is completly crazy! I even gave him a quarter to walk over to the neighbors house and say HI. He totally did it. He loves to be silly and it definetly makes my life interesting! :)

Kaden's very 1st Basketball game!

There aren't many things funnier than watching 7 year olds try to play basketball. This was Kaden's 1st year playing and he really didn't have a clue what to do. (Other than to make a basket, which he is pretty good at.) At one point in the game he was bringing the ball down the court and was afraid someone would try and steel it so he decided it would be best to dribble backwards all the way down! I couldn't stop laughing! There he was.....all by himself.....dribbling backwards down the court. How cute is that! We love you Kaden!

Kaden's 1st grade Program

It was amazing to watch Kaden during his program. He was soooo enthusiastic!! And to think, a couple years ago he would even stand up in front of a crowd! We are very proud of him and how much he has grown.
The 1st picture is of his best friend and neighbor, Landon.

Valentines Day

A couple of days ago we got together with our Amazing neighbors and let the kids make Valentines box's. Let's just say it was organized chaos! :) We really did have a great time. The kids also each made a card for a family member of the Sullilvan's that is in Iraq. I hope he is as excited to get the cards as we were to make them. (Stay safe Riley!) Also a big thanks to Sarah for coming up with the idea and letting us bombard her house.

fUn iN tHe sNoW

We had so much fun the other day sledding with some great friends. Our kids absolutely loved it, even little Brooklyn. It took us a while to find a place that had enough snow, but it was so worth it. I can't wait to get another storm just so we can go again. I love spending time with my family and friends. :)


This Christmas was really interesting. Wyatt and Brooklyn were both throwing up and running fevers all night! Once we started opening presents they both perked up. :) Presents have a funny way of doing that. We each took a turn sitting home with the sick ones while the other half went and spent time with our families. I wish we could have all been together, but we still enjoyed the day.